Swim like never before. Swim like Aquaman!
These Silicone Girdles Swimming Hand Fins has a hydrodynamic design that gives you webbed fingers! They increase resistance, build strength and power, allowing you to swim a lot faster, just like a frog or an otter!
They are made from high-quality silicone with extra elasticity and a special hydrodynamic shape that increases your swimming performance by creating water pockets between your fingers. Perfect for scuba-diving, snorkeling, surfing, training, and regular swimming.
- Swim 23% Faster! Animals that live in water use their webbed feet to swim swiftly.
- Wearing them is simply a lot of fun, you will feel and look like Aquaman or a mermaid.
- Speed - Swim and catch waves much faster.
- Resistance - Improves your technique; great for training.
- Hydro-Grip - Provides full flexibility of your hand and increases hold on slippery surfaces.
S (Children): length: 15cm, width: 4cm, external diameter: 21cm
M (Teens): length: 17cm, width: 5.5cm, external diameter: 24cm
L (Adults): length: 19cm, width: 6.5cm, external diameter: 28cm